The Stewardship of Life
It may surprise you to know that you don’t own anything! Not your house, car, clothes, or even yourself! The Bible teaches us that God owns everything, and in fact, “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof”. Even though He owns it all, God has entrusted His children to take care of these things He has given to them. In this Sunday Afternoon series, Pastor Kevin Hymer discusses the different ways that Christians steward their lives for God.
Note: Due to a recording error, lesson 1 is not available.
Lesson 2: Ownership vs. Stewardship (Genesis 17:1-8)
From 9/15/24 Afternoon Service
Lesson 3: Stewardship of Time (Psalm 90:12)
From 9/22/24 Afternoon Service
Lesson 4: The Stewardship of Talent (Matthew 25:23)
From 10/6/24 Afternoon Service
Lesson 5: Then (Luke 12:13-21)
From 10/13/24 Afternoon Service
Lesson 6: The Steward’s True Riches (Luke 16:1-11)
From 11/3/24 Afternoon Service
Lesson 7: The Measure of Stewardship (Luke 6:27-49)
From 11/10/24 Afternoon Service
Lesson 8: The Stewardship of the Gospel (I Corinthians 9:16-17)
From 11/17/24 AM Service
Lesson 9: The Requirement of Stewardship (I Corinthians 4:2)
From 11/24/24 PM Service
Lesson 10: Occupy Till I Come (Luke 19:10-26)
From 12/01/24 PM Service