Pastor Kevin Hymer   -  

Attentiveness is “showing the worth of a person by giving undivided attention to his words and emotions.”  Every person is valuable to God.  He created us in His image and redeemed us with the blood of His own Son.  God also shows our worth to Him by hearing us when we pray.  Similarly, we can show others they are valuable to us by being attentive when they speak.  In this Family Bible Hour series, Pastor Kevin Hymer and the Regency Baptist Church family review four lessons on attentiveness.


Lesson 1:  God Enables Me to Have a Hearing Heart (Jeremiah 36:10-31)
From 9/1/24 Family Bible Hour


God Enables Me to Ask Questions If I Do Not Understand (Matthew 13:1-17, 36-51)
From 9/8/24 Family Bible Hour


Don’t Be Distracted (Luke 10:38-42)
From 9/15/24 Family Bible Hour