Pastor Kevin Hymer   -  

Alertness is being aware of that which is taking place around me so that I can have the right response to it.  God tells us to be watchful and to look out for relationships, property, and resources.  Alertness is intentional, and it is a character quality that is spoken of many times in Scripture.  In this Family Bible Hour series, Pastor Kevin Hymer covers several examples of alertness from God’s Word.

Lesson 1:  God Enables Me to Keep My Eyes and Ears Open (Acts 23:11-33)
From 7/28/24 Family Bible Hour


Lesson 2:  God Enables Me to Recognize and Heed Warnings (Jeremiah 42:1-43:7)
From 8/4/24 Family Bible Hour


Lesson 3:  God Enables Me to Sharpen My Spiritual Senses (Luke 2:25-38)
From 8/11/24 Family Bible Hour


Lesson 4:  God Enables Me to Beware of Lies (Genesis 3:1-24)
From 8/18/24 Family Bible Hour